Why do women feel powerful while wearing red lipstick?
Why are intelligent people considered sexy? Or those who smoke?
What is the reason for giving chocolate as a present?
Are men with beards vainer or the ones who bother to shave it?
Why no one pays attention to an unconventionally wide tree, a fat cat is found cute, but an overweight person is looked down on?
Each of these behavioural questions has a biological reasoning. Some people regard animals as primitive and dumb while others are in awe of their complex behavioural systems. Overall, humans tend to keep a strict distinction between animals and people: we are smart because we can think but they cannot. In many ways humans are more advanced: we have the ability of abstract thinking, such as talking about the past or the notion of romance, which animals are lacking. Then again, when it comes down to analysing our everyday behaviour – humans are not that original.
Homo Animalis is a psychological study, a game, a way to see how we position ourselves and what kind of signalling we use.