Did You Hear the News?
Part of TO INFINITY AND BEYOND BredaPhoto festival (2018).
"Every day we are overwhelmed by a tsunami of information and we plough our way through emails, newsfeeds and chat messages. Instead of quietly starting our day by reading a newspaper, we scan headlines, skipping the actual articles. Our brains fill in the rest. That leaves a lot of space for our fantasy, /---/ . Her series Did you hear the news? (2018) pairs unexpected images with headlines about technology and the future. The photos were mostly taken on La Gomera, the most remote of the Canary Islands. They are a far cry from the usual futuristic images of zeroes and ones, computer screens and robots. Thus, she created her own ‘visual articles’ about the future. /---/. Adojaan stimulates our imagination."

When Good Robots Go Bad

How did Heist engineer such magical tights? They bothered to try.

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